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Is there a point to this?
On another forum that I am on we have a thread called something like "Our latest acquisition". People just pop in and let everyone know what new toy they just bought.

The problem though is that there are perhaps only 15 active members so what gets added is not that often.

I don't know how many members here are actually active but I thought that it would be interesting, perhaps, if people just drop in, and not only tell us what they bought this month, but also to do a little review.

So, I will start with something and people can add when they feel like it. If you think the idea is good, then at the start of each month someone starts it with a review of what they just bought.

OK, here goes:

Items - Sun Sniper strap and Thinktank system

description - A strap and carry case system to get quick access to the camera and also have it well protected

Pros - Works well, safe and versatile

Cons - can be expensive

Here is my video:
well there is definitely a point to Pz .... absolutely, if you want a look at good gear (or otherwise :-) -

so i'll bite on this thread ….

haven't bought anything for some time as what i have works excellently well, apart from needing, and lacking, a longer, faster(focusing) and sharper point of view …. so i rented the obvious and it was so obviously exactly right that, rather than pay for someone else's gear, i bought it …. the combo is 7D + 70-300L …. both at a good price -

Bc's comments on that lens on another recent thread are spot on ….. anyhow, for me, the combo has fast and accurate and sharp focus throughout the range - allows me to capture burst shots in focus (bliss) - and is not too big not too small + it opens up a large range of lenses - so v good -

just … to match 7D to 900 pix i don't use anything like standard settings in C1, but think both thus benefit - the difference is probably DR

i will post pictures from it from time to time, but the main shots, the reason i bought it, i can't post here, sorry

…. so all geared out and at the end of the spend …. for a bit
Nice idea, although as a starting point I would rather like to see a short introduction of everyone's current kit.

This weekend I bought a Panasonic GF3 with the shiny new 14-42 power zoom and the Leica 45/2.8 macro. It is not flawless, but probably excellent enough to replace all my other cameras.
I've been on a short vacation in Rome ... and took this as an excuse

to buy the Fuji X100 ... and really like it (probably no wonder, as a

long time owner of a Minox 35GT). I was looking for somthing smaller

than my 5D with a 45mm C/Y 45/2.8, that still has good image quality.
[quote name='ThomasD' timestamp='1321358019' post='12945']

Nice idea, although as a starting point I would rather like to see a short introduction of everyone's current kit.

This weekend I bought a Panasonic GF3 with the shiny new 14-42 power zoom and the Leica 45/2.8 macro. It is not flawless, but probably excellent enough to replace all my other cameras.


How do you like the X14-42 ?

[quote name='Klaus' timestamp='1321432342' post='12983']

How do you like the X14-42 ?


First of all, I don't like zoom lenses very much in general.

The lens is really tiny when retracted; together with the GF3 it is nearly as compact as a compact camera. The 37mm lens cap is too tiny. Even without gloves it is nearly impossible not to drop it when trying to remove.

The power zoom and power focus is something to get used to, but it is ok for me. The zoom lever has two steps for slow and fast zooming. The zoom speed can also be adjusted in a custom setting. Focus by the lever is also less of a problem than I thought before. Thanks to two speeds like on the zoom lever, manual focus can be faster and easier than with the 45/2.8 where you have only the focus ring which has to be turned too much from infinity to 1:1 for my taste.

Concerning IQ, it seems to be good. Corners are sharp enough wide open as far as my preliminary non-scientific investigations revealed.

In conclusion, I like the lens.
[quote name='ThomasD' timestamp='1321436349' post='12985']

First of all, I don't like zoom lenses very much in general.

The lens is really tiny when retracted; together with the GF3 it is nearly as compact as a compact camera. The 37mm lens cap is too tiny. Even without gloves it is nearly impossible not to drop it when trying to remove.

The power zoom and power focus is something to get used to, but it is ok for me. The zoom lever has two steps for slow and fast zooming. The zoom speed can also be adjusted in a custom setting. Focus by the lever is also less of a problem than I thought before. Thanks to two speeds like on the zoom lever, manual focus can be faster and easier than with the 45/2.8 where you have only the focus ring which has to be turned too much from infinity to 1:1 for my taste.

Concerning IQ, it seems to be good. Corners are sharp enough wide open as far as my preliminary non-scientific investigations revealed.

In conclusion, I like the lens.


Thx, Thomas!

Sounds good. Yesterday I checked the Fuji X10 vs the GX1 w/X14-42. Surprisingly the size is acutally very similar. I didn't expect this (which I guess means that the X10 is actually fairly big).

I reckon the test of the X14-42 will be difficult. Focusing by lever sounds ... odd and not overly precise. Hmmmh ....
[quote name='Klaus' timestamp='1321437973' post='12988']

I reckon the test of the X14-42 will be difficult. Focusing by lever sounds ... odd and not overly precise.


Tell me about it <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

-- Markus

[quote name='Rainer' timestamp='1321374692' post='12951']

I've been on a short vacation in Rome ... and took this as an excuse

to buy the Fuji X100


Congrats, Rainer. I have handled the X100 several times now and afterwards always felt the need to search for an excuse to get one... so far I gladly haven't come up with one <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

-- Markus

[quote name='Klaus' timestamp='1321437973' post='12988']

Thx, Thomas!

Sounds good. Yesterday I checked the Fuji X10 vs the GX1 w/X14-42. Surprisingly the size is acutally very similar. I didn't expect this (which I guess means that the X10 is actually fairly big).

I reckon the test of the X14-42 will be difficult. Focusing by lever sounds ... odd and not overly precise. Hmmmh ....


Keep focussing fixed and moving the camera? The slight variation in image size and the effect this has on resolution should be easy to adjust in post processing. You could check with another lens (without lever focus) that both procedures deliver reasonably consistent figures.

Just an idea.


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