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Advise needed...
[quote name='PuxaVida' timestamp='1330334477' post='16213']

Joachim & Markus, thanks a lot for the tips guys... It's really appreciated...

Color Management: Joachim I meant the standart tool delivered within the OS-Xsystem. Can it be also used for the printer calibration? I mean, I don't do a serious printing but color's better match on the print paper <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />...

Time Machine: It's good to hear that it works with other storage devices. Markus, wireless back-up strategy is not a must for me, actually it's a "nice to have". I'm rather interested on auto-backup (background) and the preassumed user friendliness. Right now I use firewire equipped 1TB external disk on PC. It is fast, and does the job. I don't use a special back-up utility, because I thought that simple should be the key word here. I made up a systematic for folder and file names, so that I could find what I want whenever I needed. But after our baby was born, JPEGs' importance was increased, which my folder systemeatic was not ready for <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />... So I suppose I can use Time Machine with an external firewire equipped HD... And I gues the application neat and robust...

Compatibility: As I've said, I don't have a Mac experience, except for the iPad my wife gave me as a gift (don't tell her that I think that it is useless <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />)... I can't view the movie files or JPEGs of my own on this damn device. There's no SD card slot, and the very handsome / sleek adapter is ~45€ (at least here, in Istanbul)!!!... Or I have to use the Apple special application to get mp3 data from PC to iPad... That was really frustrating. I know that the iMacs or MacBooks are not the same. But if the philosophy is the same, them I'm afraid we might have a problem here. I already pat for the device itself, I'm not ok with the idea that I have to pay more to the same brand to use the device more efficiently.

About the new Macs... I understand not only the iMacs but also for the MacBooks and update is expected for this summer. Do you guys think that this update is a major one and worth waiting or is it still wise to grab one now and use it?

Finally, windows emulation. It's really good that BootCamp can organize two partitions and Windows 7 can be installed to one of them. And I suppose I works better than the virtual machine alternatives...

Thanks again for the valuable inputs...




For any colour engine, you will need colour profiles. I have a monitor calibration device to generate a monitor profile - it does matter no question, even for an iMac. For my printer I use the so-called generic profiles. These ship with the printer. They only apply if you use the manufacturer's inks and papers, which I do. I had a few tries using papers from third party vendors. If they don't give you a profile that is all a waste of time, ink and money - not worth it. If you are not using genuine inks for your printer, unless you get it measured or buy a measuring device, you are doomed. The colour engine will not rescue you.

On a Mac everything (Printer, monitor calibration device) speaks to the colour engine. I find it easier to set up a colour management on a Mac than on a Windows XP system. Though in all fairness, I understand what needs doing now, which I didn't when first setting up colour management on windows. Also matters might have improved with the newer Windows 7 - I just don't know. Perhaps the strength of the Mac is, that the colour engine is an integral part of the OS and every driver, software knows whom to speak to. On Windows XP colour management was a bit of an afterthought.

Time machine is easy to set up. Get a dedicated disk for it and don't use that disk for anything else. It backs up the entire mac. If you need to reformat the disk, which I recently had to, you reinstall the OS and than the Mac reads everything back from the disk. Even the web-page you had open when the back-up was made. It is actually quite scary. You can and should encrypt that disk - can be done in Time machine. Otherwise everyone who gets hold of that disk (e.g. thief) can recreate that status of your Mac for years. Time machine is not a replacement for getting your photos organised. It just looks which files got changed/added/delete since last time and keeps a copy of the changed/added ones and a note of the deleted ones.

Even on a Mac you have to use iTunes to transfer contents onto an iPad, iPod or iPhone. On a PC, iTunes integrated with my Photoshop elements library - on a Mac it integrates with iPhoto and Aperture. There might be more imaging software it integrates with. I don't think it integrates with a bunch of jpeg files in a directory on either system, though I might be wrong.

The latest info on when the new Macs will come is

Unless you need the last bit of performance I would say install Windows as a virtual machine. The advantages of being able to work simultaneously in both operating system typically outweigh the performance loss due to the VM. A virtual machine is not an emulator. VMs create a bit of fun with TimeMachine. You need to tell TimeMachine not to back this up (otherwise your time machine disk is full in no time) and depending on what you do, might need a separate solution to back up your virtual machine.

Hope this helps


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Advise needed... - by PuxaVida - 02-24-2012, 02:11 PM
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Advise needed... - by PuxaVida - 02-24-2012, 07:33 PM
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Advise needed... - by PuxaVida - 02-25-2012, 08:55 AM
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