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Comparison of: Zeiss Otus, Sigma 50 Art, Nikkor 58G, Nikkor 50/1.4G, Nikkor 50/1.8G
Really good review. Thank you.


I have both the Nikon 50mm f1.4 and f1.8, and I agree with you that (probably due to sample variations) the f1.4 doesn't seem as sharp as the f1.8 wide-open. PZ's findings are that the f1.4 is sharper than the f1.8, so I was disappointed with my copy of the f1.4.


However, as you say the differences are so small that there is really nothing to complain about.


Could I please ask how/what you use (the program/plugin) to make the comparisons with this sliding of the arrows effect. I have a Wordpress blog and this interaction type of yours would be quite fun to do.


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Comparison of: Zeiss Otus, Sigma 50 Art, Nikkor 58G, Nikkor 50/1.4G, Nikkor 50/1.8G - by Studor13 - 08-12-2014, 06:55 AM

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