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System camera sales are now down 50% from its peak in 2012/2013
Not pretty.


Makes you wonder about the first victims out there - both among the media sites as well as the manufacturers.

There's a nasty rumour about Samsung throwing in the towel!  Samsung have denied it but it's rare that there's smoke without fire!


 I'm keeping my eye on the price of gold..............Aha, .as I thought I've just looked,  it's rising again....




BTW. Where did you see these latest stats?

There's report from Mayflower Concepts (currently offline).

What about profitablility ? Have companies learned how to be more efficient ?

Well, I think many people just don't need a system camera in the first place. 

Some got one for prestige but now that the hype is over the prestige is gone as well and the cell phone camera is enough.

Reality can be cruel.

Quote:Well, I think many people just don't need a system camera in the first place. 

Some got one for prestige but now that the hype is over the prestige is gone as well and the cell phone camera is enough.

Reality can be cruel.

I'm doing my part.  My LX100 just arrived today.  I don't know how I will suffer such a cruel situation.
With phone cameras becoming good enoug, in fact surpassing even some DSLRs that were available in the early 2000 years sensor wise. Many people are realizing they don't need anything more than their phone. Since phone pictures can now be printed and live shared online many people don't need more than that.

Even Dpreview has now a section for phones....
  With the iphone 6S beating the pants off the Nikon D750 in terms of video quality it's not surprising that system cameras are taking a beating, as seen here on this video!

At some stage we were considering to start testing phones but we'll wait till the system phones arrive. :-)


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