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Highly Recommended
I am new to this forum although I use Photozone extensively in connection with my photo club.  Can anyone direct to where there is a list of all the "highly recommended" lenses.  Or does this list not exist.  Thanks in advance,  Jack

There is no such list.


I don't think this would be useful. The difference between a HR lens and a non-HR lens may be negligible and dependening on your preferences the non-HR lens may be even a better buy for you.


Also - how do you shop a lens ? You select a lens class. Within that class you may have 3-4 lenses to choose from. That isn't an overwhelming amount really.


Now I know there's this itch nonetheless, of course ... ;-)


Eventually we should really provide a page per system "what WE (in PZ) would buy and why". That would be cute I reckon ... also because I would chose some non-HR lenses for instance.
Ken Rockwell has a few lists like that, at least for Canon and Nikon. He has something like a "Dream Team" of lenses for both APS-C and 35mm FF for each system. However, he does not list recommendations for scenarios such as best ultra-wide zoom, best normal prime etc. That would be much more benefical to many people.


Also, establishing a system can be much more complicated than choosing the best lenses in each class. For example since I use a lot of filters, I also try to buy lenses with same filter diameter. Moreover, what one reviewer may find negligable might be a real showstopper for you, there are lots of discussions on whether or not Sony's latest 50/1.8 has a tolerable AF or not, for example. Or you might go for an optically weaker lens because you're looking for something to use while hiking so weight would be your primary concern.


I'd really like to read about list of lenses people would choose given a particular scenario.


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