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All cameras are good...
Just came through this article discussing which camera is  better.


He says each camera is good in its own way, so all cameras are good.

I tend to agree with him but wouldn't do what he did...Having Olympus, Leica rangefinder and fixed focal, Sony APS-C and full frame, Fuji APS-C and medium format, Nikon one, Nikon  APS-C and full frame plus many many lenses makes him a gear hoarder. However he does know a lot about many systems

This is also a problem of the current Internet Photography meta in general. 


Yes all cameras are good, but some are better for some purposes. That last bit gets ignored a lot, especially when there is a new gear that might steal a few clicks and headlines. Comparing Sony a9 vs Fuji GFX? Yeah why not, go ahead. Sony a6300 vs Canon 1Dx? Sure. Except that it's very idiotic actually, if you assume you are going to compare them in the same context.


Also, some systems are much more flexible than others. Sony A7 series cameras are incredibly flexible and with the right choice of lenses, they cover a very large margin of scenarios quite well. However, that doesn't mean they are better than a D5 for sports photography as well. They are tools, they are built for purposes. Different purposes, for different people.


I also don't agree with the original link in some points. For example, yes I can find a perfect camera system. It all depends on what I need and where I'm fine with compromises. There are systems that are lightweight, fast, silent with all the lenses that I might need. Especially when all I need is a single lens Wink.


Btw, if someone wants to have some fun, go to the Fujifilm GFX group on Facebook and scroll down as many people run around like headless chicken Big Grin. It's absolutely hilarious when you view it with a clear mind.


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