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Cool, simple and effective plug-in to PS

Hope you find it useful.
What are your personal experiences with those plugins?

(That might be more helpful than their quite unresponsive website).
I don't use PS so I have none. It was developed by two PS teachers which are well respected in Israel.
I've always been reading your posts with interest, because I always found a valuable

opinion in them ... but frankly ... "advertising" plugins that you have no personal

experience with is a bit strange (at least to me) ... regardless how the reputation of

the producers is in israel or in other places in the world.
I am very familiar with the creators, not with the actual product. And I am not advertizing. I'm just thinking it's something which is a good idea. Personally, I tried PS a few years ago and found it to be very intimidating. These plug-ins target this exact problem and I think it's a good idea.
Hi Yakim,

I think it always is a good idea to create tools that make life a lot easier with complicated applications like Photoshop. Taking a look at these new tools, as I am always looking to improve my postprocessing, did raise a few questions and remarks for me, however.

Did you yourself actually have a good look at these plugins, and did you ever have look at, e.g., Topaz Labs plugins?

It looks to me like you need all of your friends' tools do the same as a single Topaz plugin.

Then there are the names for their different plugins. The names resemble those of plugins from Nik Software and Topaz Labs a little too much for my liking.

In short, I think it is a good idea, but needs a little more work.

Kind regards, Wim
Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....
Wim, I think of trying PS again, precisely because of these plug-ins, but first I need to switch back to Windows. When I do, I'll take a look at the Topaz plug-in as well. Thank you for mentioning it.
Hi Yakim,

[quote name='Yakim' date='19 July 2010 - 07:41 AM' timestamp='1279518117' post='1109']

Wim, I think of trying PS again, precisely because of these plug-ins, but first I need to switch back to Windows. When I do, I'll take a look at the Topaz plug-in as well. Thank you for mentioning it.


I found PS a pain to master, but with the aid of the internet it gets better every time. Tools like the plugins from Topaz Labs and Nik Software do help a lot with making the use for photography a much less steep learning curve, however, so certainly something to look at.

As with all of these tools, you will still need to get the basics of the Raw processing under your belt, what to do when going from Raw to 16-bit files to work with, etc. There are some websites with good explanantions what to do and what not. If you're interested, just give me a holler, and I'll look up some of the links that I found useful myself <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />.

Kind regards, Wim
Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....
I am shooting digital for 5 years but my editing skills are still very basic. I've tried several SWs but always returned to DPP in the end, just because it is so user friendly. However, I know I must learn this sometime and anything that can make PS more user friendly is a very welcome addition AFAIAC.
[quote name='Yakim' date='19 July 2010 - 03:29 PM' timestamp='1279546174' post='1121']

I am shooting digital for 5 years but my editing skills are still very basic. I've tried several SWs but always returned to DPP in the end, just because it is so user friendly. However, I know I must learn this sometime and anything that can make PS more user friendly is a very welcome addition AFAIAC.


If you have ever done a reasonable amount of work in the darkroom, I suggest you get some of the Nik software tools. These are not cheap, but very good, and give back that feeling of control one had in the darkroom, just better. To me it was the investment that finally gave me a feeling of confidence and control with the stuff I was doing that I didn't have before, or took me literally days to achieve, where it now takes, depending on what I want to achieve, a few minutes to a few hours for really complex stuff. In short: it now takes me less time to do in the digital darkroom than it used to in the wet darkroom, with more control.

Kind regards, Wim
Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....

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