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Comments on forum
Thought it'd be nice with a separate thread about the forum itself. I have a first suggestion: The posting page in particular is very tall. Between the search bar, the toolbars, the attachment bar and the options bar, I have to scroll pretty far before getting to the "post" button. Given that most posts will consist of writing some text and hitting "post", that's not userfriendly. The new topic page is even worse, with title+description+poll taking up even more space. I would either try to compress some things, make more things foldable, or at least put a post button above the text entry area.

While writing this it occurred to me that there are now two search areas, one for photozone as such and one for the forums and related things. If photozone as a whole could be one of the search "areas", the two could be combined and placed in the upper-right corner, reducing the vertical space use a bit.


Yes, there's still way too much padding all around. We'll look into this.

I'm afraid that we'll not be able to do something about the search aspect - these are two very different environments.

Have you checked other browsers? I'm using Firefox and it looks fine here.
Just one thing I noticed straight away - there are no text tags attached to the Gallery photos (I couldn't see any) ... It's be nice if we could see straight away which camera/lens was used.
There's a link "view EXIF properties" in the text field to right of the gallery image. In a popup wndow you can see all EXIF data, including camera. Unless, of course, there is no meta data in an image.

-- Markus

The "My Profile" drop down menu is open continuously, and I can't close it. Is this possibly a bug?

Kind regards, Wim
Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....
Something different with the RSS feed. The old forum's RSS would feed every new post. The new forum's RSS only feeds new topics. I prefer the old RSS feed style.

[quote name='mst' date='03 June 2010 - 12:56 AM' timestamp='1275519410' post='110']

There's a link "view EXIF properties" in the text field to right of the gallery image. In a popup wndow you can see all EXIF data, including camera. Unless, of course, there is no meta data in an image.

-- Markus


A "would-be-nice" feature: Having a condensed EXIF properties area that's either just open always or that can be folded in and out. Having to click and have the image blocked by the EXIF info is impractical, not to mention that there's so much detail as to be unusable in the raw EXIF. The condensed info would be something like Camera, Speed, F/stop, ISO, Focal Length - and probably no more. Though the exact contents could probably fill an entire thread of its own. There's probably a plugin for this.

My earlier comment about vertical size goes double for the gallery. Having to scroll to get to the next button makes it really annoying to flip through a collection. But at least the image itself doesn't go below the screen like on some galleries I've seen.

[quote name='wimg' date='03 June 2010 - 12:19 AM' timestamp='1275520775' post='112']

The "My Profile" drop down menu is open continuously, and I can't close it. Is this possibly a bug?

Kind regards, Wim


I can't recreate this here. It's nothing that we've customized.

Possibly an impartial CSS download. Maybe try to refresh.
I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I set only the year of my birthday, but not the day or month.

What's the difference between Photo and Avatar?

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