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Best system for light and sharp wide angle lenses? Any on Sony E?
[quote name='Brightcolours' timestamp='1317379763' post='11995']

Still his subjects/composition (and deep DOF that was praised above) does very little to me.

Other photographers from his period I find much more inspiring and artistic, whether they made as good a prints or not does not really come into the equation for me.

Another point worth to make in this aspect is that a shallow DOF was not really in the tool box many decades ago. Lenses were not yet of a quality that one had the freedom we have now without serious back lashes from all kinds of aberrations. Above it is suggested that good/great photographers put as much of a scene/image as possible in focus. That is of course not true. Some, do, others don't.


Well I should mostly disagree with jenben and brightcolor.

Jenbenn – No, the prints is not magical. Most of the Ansel Adams’s prints are made by assistants, but sketches for developing are made AA.

Brightcolour – it is not the DOF that makes some images great. Painters has been having DOF tool for ages.

To all – print techniques, cameras, lenses DOF and light are tools. Better tools in mine of yours opinions doesn’t mean better results.

E.g – Now we have incredible pens but nobody can write better than Shakespeare.

The paint technology reaches the level that we can even not imagine. But still people likes small and dull of colors picture of Mona Liza.

Next time when you stop to look at one image ask yourself what is the reason why you stop looking at this image. Is it, the size, enorm details, DOF, light, post processing, print technique.

Or is something aesthetical, like composition, lines, forms, shapes, patterns, colour combinations etc. I canot tell all of them since I consider myself as beginer amateur photographer.

Back to the main subject. new small cammeras

I don’t consider the limited DOF as limitation.

I don’t consider that 10MP are not not enough.

I don’t consider the EVF as limitations. Funny enough the most of people who complains about EVF are photo stitch-ers or HDR-ers. I wonder what they are doing with OVF.

Messages In This Thread
Best system for light and sharp wide angle lenses? Any on Sony E? - by miro - 09-30-2011, 12:29 PM

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