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A strange phenomenon with Canon 5D mark ii images
Hi. I've recently purchased my first dSLR. It's a Canon 5D mark ii. Since getting it I've been basically going over the manual and doing all sorts of tests - learning and familiarizing myself with this new camera.

I was doing some tests and ran into something strange going on.

I haven't yet had enough time to try and figure out if there is any pattern to the problem.

What happens is this - I'll be taking a normal shot, nothing out of the ordinary. All looks fine in the view-finder. But the actual shot ends up with part of it blacked out by what seems to be something inside the camera/lens which is getting in the way and blocking part of the frame.

When running into this problem I had Camera Mode set to Manual (M). The only sort of consistency to the problem seems to be that it occurs when shutter speed is set to a relatively fast setting. For example - it happened when I had aperture set to 6.3 and shutter speed set to 320.

When bringing the shutter speed down a bit to 160 all was fine.

In most cases it blocks the bottom of the frame. A horizontal line going across the frame at the bottom. Other times it could block up to the whole bottom half of the frame.

I might point out that the edge of whatever is blocking my frame does not appear sharp, but rather blurred and fuzzy, like a gradient. I'm assuming this means that it is something mechanical - inside the camera - and not a digital problem. But I'm no expert.

I haven't even got to the part of importing images from the camera to my computer yet, otherwise I'd send you a sample. I'll try to figure that out later today and give you the exact image of what is occurring.

Meanwhile, if anyone is familiar with this phenomenon or thinks he/she has an idea what might be causing this, I'd be really grateful to know. My biggest concern of course is to know if this is something normal for particular circumstances that I am not aware of - or if it is a problem with the camera which requires fixing.

Sounds to me like you are using a flash and you set your camera to a speed

above X-sync-speed .... only flashes that support HSS-mode can cure this ...

with all others, you need to stay below (or at) X-sync-speed.

Just my thoughts...Rainer
Sounds to me like you are using flash at a shutter speed shorter than the flash sync speed (which is 1/200th for the 5D Mark II). At a shutter speed shorter than 1/200th there is no one time where the entire sensor is free to be illuminated at the same time.
[quote name='Rainer' date='25 July 2010 - 04:28 PM' timestamp='1280071694' post='1299']

Sounds to me like you are using a flash and you set your camera to a speed

above X-sync-speed .... only flashes that support HSS-mode can cure this ...

with all others, you need to stay below (or at) X-sync-speed.

Just my thoughts...Rainer


Yeah, I didn't see your reply when I answered... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Stupid me... I forgot to mention I was testing with a flash <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

I think you are (both) right. In fact, I'm pretty sure of it.

The max sync speed is 1/200 since it is a non-Canon flash.

Thanks for the speedy help !
You were both faster ... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

If you're using a non-Canon flash it's worthwhile experimenting until you get the right balance. Start with a low ISO, using youru flash on a low power setting and work up to a faster speed. If your flash is still too bright, use a screen or reflector to reduce the light reaching your subject.

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